There are film scenes that you would love to beam into and experience alongside the protagonists. Like when Audrey Hepburn got out of a New York City cab at the crack of dawn to look at the glittering displays in the windows of Tiffany & Co. on Fifth Avenue.
Whoever shares this longing does not need virtual high-tech gimmicks, nor does a woman in an evening dress with a coffee to go and a croissant in her hand have to stare at valuables through thick panes in the morning. Modern Mrs. Golightlys simply walk into the branch of the cult jeweler and take a seat in the world's first Tiffany Blue Box Café.
There, the walls, armchairs and plates, even the salt and pepper shakers are of course dipped in the famous Tiffany turquoise and the entire interior appeals to both princesses and powerful women. But not only the atmosphere leaves little to be desired, the menu is also - in the truest sense of the word - a real gem. Whether the classic puff pastry croissant à la Hepburn, local delicacies such as salmon bagels, truffled eggs or "The Charles Lewis Tiffany Club Sandwich", a culinary homage to the founder of the company.